Alliteration Activity Pack

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Speech Therapy, Activities, Language




Have fun with funky phrases with this activity! There are two different resources included in this pack that target alliterations. Alternate from a story-time session to a train car word activity!


What’s Included:

  • 18 Alliteration Story Cards 
  • Alliteration Train Cards (A-Z)


How To Prepare and Use:

  • Alliteration Story Cards
      1. Option 1: Have your kiddo read the story cards, or read them to your kiddo. Talk about what makes each story an alliteration.
      2. Option 2: Cut the sentence off of the story card, and have your child either match the sentences to the stories, or have them identify the alliterative words in the artwork.
  • Alliteration Train
    1. Cut out the train sections.
    2. Place the letters and word cards in front of your kiddo, and have them match the words to the correct letter to create a full train.

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