Feed the Dinosaur: An Activity Targeting all Plosives!

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Speech Therapy, Activities, Articulation



Feed the Dinosaur is an interactive activity that will leave your kiddos hungry for more speech practice! This material includes dinosaur eggs targeting all plosive sounds. Assist your client or child in “feeding” them to your dinosaur after practicing their best speech.

What’s Included? 

  • Instruction sheet and model dinosaur
  • Dinosaur template
  • 15 examples (i.e., ‘eggs’) of plosive sounds P, B, T, D, K, and G across initial, medial, final, and mixed positions

How to Prepare and Use?

  • Follow the included instructions to affix your dinosaur to an empty oatmeal container.
  • Print and cut out the dinosaur eggs with your desired phoneme targets.
  • Explain to your client that you have a very hungry dinosaur who is hungry for good speech!
  • Model picking up a dinosaur egg, saying the word, and feeding the dinosaur. Encourage your client to do the same!


  1. 5 out of 5

    Adorable dinosaur, great picture clip art on the eggs too! Needed a simple dinosaur activity for some of my youngest kiddos and this was absolutely perfect! Love it!

  2. 4 out of 5

    My students were very into dinosaurs when I got this resource and they were engaged for the full speech session!

  3. 5 out of 5

    My EI kiddo loves dinosaurs for it was a perfect activity to motivate participation in therapy activities

  4. 5 out of 5

    Intuitive and fun activity that my clients thoroughly enjoyed. The graphics are amazing!

  5. 5 out of 5

    A fun and creative activity! Perfect for my younger kiddos with emerging articulation and my kiddos who are a little older with apraxia.

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