Seasons Practice Pack

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ABA Therapy, Activities, Speech Therapy, Activities, Social Communication
Seasonal Activities, Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter




This activity is a great resource for recognizing and celebrating the changing of the seasons! This resource contains materials to play a fun seasonal dress-up game, and vocabulary cards and scenes to target seasonal concepts and sorting.

What’s Included?

  • 48 Seasonal Vocabulary Cards
  • 4 Pages of Seasonal Landscapes (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall)
  • 7 Pages of Seasonal Clothing
  • 4 Dressing Dolls
  • 8 Fully Dressed Seasonal Dolls

This activity can be used in multiple ways!

a. Matching to the Seasons
i. Have your child or client place the seasonal vocabulary cards, seasonal clothing, or fully dressed seasonal dolls onto the correct landscape.
ii. Alternatively, place a couple of incorrect seasonal vocabulary cards onto each landscape alongside the correct ones, and have child identify the incorrect words.

b. Dressing for the Weather
i. Using the seasonal clothing, have your child or client create weather-appropriate outfits on the dressing dolls. This can be done by prompting the season (ex. What do you wear in the fall?), or by the weather (ex. What do you wear when it’s raining?).

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