Social Story: I Can Have Fun During the Holidays!

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ABA Therapy, Activities, Christmas
Seasonal Activities, Winter, Social Stories
Holiday Activities




Use this social story to help your client or child prepare for winter break with their family. This environment can be confusing or stressful for children, but this social story helps families go through the process with ease. 

I Can Have Fun During the Holidays! includes illustrations of 4 different ethnicities to cover all of the caseloads.


Some text from the story:

  1. My name is ______ and I am ____ years old.
  2. Winter break is coming up! This is a time where everyone is celebrating a fun holiday with their families. This means that my routine will be different than normal. That’s okay!
  3. The holiday that I celebrate with my family is… (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Years, none)
  4. I won’t see my therapist for a little while. This is okay, because I will see my therapist after the break! My therapist will be so excited to hear about what I did.

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