Social Story: I Can Watch a Fireworks Show!

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Special Education
Seasonal Activities, Summer, Social Stories
Holiday Activities




Seeing a fireworks show for example on New Years, or on 4th of July can be an overstimulating experience for your child. This social story will prepare your child for seeing a fireworks show, and offer coping mechanisms to avoid becoming overwhelmed. This social story includes girl and boy illustrations for 4 different ethnicities, and it can be customized for the needs of your child

Some parts of the story:

  1. If the fireworks make me feel uncomfortable, I can do a lot of things to feel better.
  2. I can… (Ask to listen to music through headphones, wear sunglasses if they are too bright, cover my ears, ask to go inside or in a different room, ask to move further away from the fireworks)
  3. When I do this, the fireworks don’t feel so scary!

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