Social Story: My Mealtime Book

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ABA Therapy, Activities, Speech Therapy, Activities, Behavior Management, Feeding, Social Communication
Social Stories



This social story is a perfect addition for any child receiving feeding therapy services! Mealtime can be a challenging time of the day, but this social story will provide explanations of rules to follow, how food helps us to grow strong, how different foods have different textures, and suggestions for exploring new foods.

Parents or family members may choose a special time of day to read through the story, such as before dinner. This social story can be customized to fit the needs of your individual child by including or excluding certain pages depending on your child’s needs and age.

This material is NO PRINT and NO PREP when used on a computer screen or tablet device.


  1. 4 out of 5

    It’s a little more advanced that what I was looking for, but it helped me create my own social story with personal pictures

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