Social Story Starter Kit: I’m Going to be a Big Brother or Sister!

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ABA Therapy, Activities, Speech Therapy, Activities, Behavior Management, Social Communication
Social Stories



Social stories are engaging resources used by clinicians to help facilitate an understanding of complex concepts, environments, routines, and goals. Social stories are evidence-based and unique in their ability to be personalized to a specific child. The product above features social stories, “I’m Going to be a Big Brother!” and “I’m Going to be a Big Sister!” to help children understand what to expect when their baby sibling enters the world.

These social stories are great tools for therapists, teachers, and family members alike to give a child strategies for effective emotional regulation.

How to Prepare? 

  • Refer to the dotted line located in the middle of each page. Cut across the line to create a story that is designed in 1/2 pages.
  • Certain pages ask clinicians or family members to insert pictures so the story may be personalized to a specific child. Pre-made images are included at the end of this product that may be inserted accordingly.

How to Use?

First, create the social story with your client or child by filling in the blanks and adding pictures. Then, read through the social story together and practice the ‘calm down’ strategies found within. Continue to read the social story whenever your client or child has questions about their new baby sibling. Parents or family members may choose a special time of day (e.g., after bath time) to read the story together. Family members are encouraged to read the story more frequently in the last few weeks before the new baby sibling arrives.


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