Social Story: My Sister Uses a Communication Device! (AAC Device)

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Special Education, Speech Therapy, Activities, Social Communication
Social Stories




This social story is intended for kiddos whose sibling uses an AAC device to communicate. It will explain the purpose of the device, why it’s important, and teach the importance of patience, understanding, and respect while they use it. This social story includes 4 versions to cover the different ethnicities.


Some parts of the story:

  1. My name is _____ and I am __ years old.
  2. My sister’s name is ______. I love her so much!
  3. My sister uses a device to communicate. This means that she uses this device to say words instead of her mouth. 
  4. This device is not a toy. It’s an important tool that my sister uses to help communicate with me, my family, and friends. I will keep my hands to myself when she’s using it.
    And more!

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